Corporate relations

Corporate relations have always been important to Prodeko. Prodekoians enjoy challenges and many of us want to learn specialities of many industries during their career. Possible employers are companies from management consulting to new startups and non-profit organizations. You can send all questions to our Head of Corporate Relations, yrityssuhteet(at) If you have questions about excursions, please contact our Minister of Excursions, excumestari(at)


There are a few advice how to enhance good relations to Prodekoians and how to create strong employer brand:



Start early


Industrial Engineering and Management studies in Aalto University prepare students to solve different business challenges mathematic-analytically and special features of every businesses taken into account. Our students are smart, efficient and fun people which has lead to the situation where Prodekoians are very wanted employee and recruiting 3+ year student can be difficult. That means a company need to start creating good empolyer brand early, at the beginning of student's university years. Freshmen excursions, annual ball sponsoring or sponsoring Prodeko Seminar organised every spring are good options as every Prodekoians takes part organising annual ball in one's first study year and the seminar assembles the whole Prodeko society in the same place.



Create good image and maintain it


Prodeko collaborates with many companies, so to make your own company visible and creating a good image make recruiting clearly more effective and increase participants in excursions. Good ways to promote your company are:

• Sponsoring annual ball:  Guild annual ball, Diskonttaus, is held in October. Diskonttaus is precisious party and participants are both guild members, alumni, people from Department of IEM  and especially invited guests. Annua ball offer an excellent possibility to achieve visibility within Aalto University students and to support success of our annual ball. 

• Sponsoring Prodeko Seminar: Prodeko's biggest annual event, Prodeko Seminar is organised annually in April and it's place to students, alumni and people from Department of IEM to meet each other. There are professionally and academically interesting program and it's a great possibility to achieve visibility also within alumni, better than any other Prodeko's annual event.

• Annual homeland and abroad trips - HalfLong Excursions 

• Sponsoring related to spaces and rooms, like gym and guild rooms coffee, tea or billiard sponsoring. New ideas are always welcome and our board helps with making them even better

• Overall advertisements


New events and ideas upcome continuously and there are no two similar years in Prodeko. Ask about other possibilites which are not mentioned above.



Participate in a project course


If you want to work more close to students, your company can participate one or more IEM project course. These practical works are one speciality of Aalto University's IEM studies. Every course has its own topic, like strategy, operations, market analysis, logistics, aqcuisitons or optimization. Related topic, you can give a project related to your company to a group of four to five student. Topics of the projects are quite freely chosen by a company. More information and list of project courses is given by Head of Corporate Relations, yrityssuhteet(at)

Our project courses give a possibility to create closer employer brand and to distinct from other companies, learn more studies of the time and current topics of university world. Company can get fresh views, concrete results and development ideas to their work and naturally an excellent possibility to see potential future job applicants working. Students get precious work experience and learn a lot of new and important contacts their possible future employers. If your company wants to use smart student help with their research or survey projects, please contact Head of Corporate Relations yrityssuhteet(at)