Even half of the courses in Aalto University's Industrial Engineering and Management are practical works excuted in groups and to a company. Thanks to this, guild's communal spirit and the highest entrance requirements in technical studies in Finland recruiting a Prodekoians is a really good investment.
Prodeko can make an agreement with a company and after that publish job advertisements in discrete job advertisement column. Ads are visible only Prodeko members and Prodekoians check them often, as our recruiting forum is effective way to recruit a Prodekoian. You can advertise all kind of job possibilities - part time jobs, summer jobs, internships, master thesis positions or permanent positions. Please send your job advertisiment to yrityssuhteet(at)prodeko.org. It can be text, PDF, or a link to another page. As a baseline we won't publish recruitment companies advertisements or adverstisement of unpaid interships.
If you company need more comprehensive recruiting service as staff hiring, direct recruiting, headhuntig or better Employer Branding with trainee program or marketing, we recommend to check out aTalent. It is owned by Prodeko's, Prodeko alumni and Aalto University's Business students (KY). More information on side bar.