Freshmen points are a list of different activities you need to conduct in order to achieve a tech student cap ("teekkarilakki") in possible Wappu. Freshmen points introduce you to Prodeko and teekkari culture. Almost all students who starts Prodeko want to have their cap and thus collect points into their Freshmen point card. This is possible also for master students and exchangers! If you want to participate in earning points for your cap, please contact Captain of Master and International Students: maisterikvkapteeni(at) In order to achieve the tech student cap, you need to be present in Otaniemi the whole year, from September to May.
Compulsory freshmen points (10)
Song (2n+1)
Sing 2n teekkarisongs to your Captain of Freshmen Education and say teekkarihymn correctly. N means number of people who are singing.
Get eight (8) study credits.
Participate in Teekkarimuseum guidetour.
Be part of organising group of Diskonttaus.
Help IE (Hostess committee) with some event.
Pig party
Help with organising Pig party in November.
Freshmen prank
Participate in Freshmen prank.
Sitsit party
Participate in some sitsit party.
Participate in some excursion.
Lower associaton
Participate some AYY's association's or society's activites.
Optional freshmen points (8)
High school show
Have information set in some high school event.
Get part of freshmen project team or be a guild official.
Participate in ESTIEM-activity or event.
Freshmen party
Participate in another Aalto university freshmen's party than Pig party.
Freshmen kill
Participate in Freshmen kill.
Board meeting
Participate in board meeting.
Participate in wellbeing coaching organised in Spring.
Ring 3
Participte in student event organised outside ring 3.
Guild room
Be at guild room at least an hour when you Captain is present.
Participate in Prodeko's culture event.
Participate in Otatarha race or Laskiaisrieha downhill race vehicle builiding or events itself.
Participate in non-AYY student organization's event.
Participate in PoRa's sport event.
Participate in sauna evening.
Participate in Prodeko election meeting or assembly.
Common good
Do something good for you society: clean up guild room, donate blood or help elderary in shop.
Captain of Master and International Students can admit extra point if you do something teekkari spiritual! This one replaces one optional point.